[정답탑재]초고난도 어법 도전! [논스탑색시케빈]
수능시험에 나올 어법은 정해져 있죠^^
그래서 너도나도 적중했다고 하는거구요 ㅋ
그런데 말이죠 나온게 또 나오긴 하는데 조금만 난이도를 높이면?
나온게 또 나와도 그게 이미 공부한걸 아는데도? 또 저 가슴속에서 올라오는 진실의 소리! " 내가 풀수 없는 문제야"라는 공포의 소리가 올라오죠... ㅋ 웃어서 미안해요 ㅋ...
이런 걸 해결하기 위해서 고난도 어법을 풀 필요가 있는거죠. 소위 비연계문제가 그래서 필요한거죠...
두개는 어려운 문제고 하나는 좀 쉬운걸루... 해보실래요? ^^
정답과 해설은 내일 그러니까 금요일에 올릴께요^^
초고난도 어법 도전
It was a man’s 110th birthday, so a reporter came to interview him. “How do you explain your longevity?” she asked. “What is the secret of your amazing health at such an old age?” “ Well, my friends and relatives think I am a health nut,” explained the very senior citizen. I’ve always followed the rules for good health. For instance, I never drank alcohol. I never begin to smoke cigarettes. I always eat a healthful diet. I still walk four miles a day and keep active. I’m in bed (a)by/until 9:00 at night and sleep at least eight hours (b) a/ in a night, “But I had a relative who did exactly the same thing, ” objected the reporter “and he died at the age of 65. Why didn’t your advice work for him?” “There’s only one thing I can think of,” answered the helpful old man, smiling. “He didn’t follow the rules
(C) long enough/ enough long.“
정답: by- a - long enough
In the early 1980s, women were not considered assertive enough to be managers or rational enough to be executives. So, as the first woman manager in a multinational manufacturing firm, I worked hard and acted tough. One day my bosses asked me to implement a plan which I thought (A) it would/ would mislead the customers. I naively raised the question of ethics. The two men exchanged a look that said, “ I knew we should never have hired a girl.” They then made (B) it/them clear that if I could not handle my responsibilities, they would find a man for the job. I rationalized my lack of courage by reminding (C)me/myself of the hefty mortgage for my hillside home. I thought that if I wanted to pay with the boys, I had to play by their rules. It was a very logical decision, but I did not feel good about it. Deep inside, I was disappointed that my debt had made me lose courage.
정답: would- it- myself
Titan is the largest moon of Saturn, and the only moon in the Solar System with a dense atmosphere which could be identical to that of the early Earth when life began. In January 2005, the Huygens probe landed on this mysterious moon. It sent back images of (A) which/what looked like drainage channels leading into a dark lake or sea. Titan may be the only place, other than the Earth, (B) what/that has liquid running across its surface. But instead of water, Titan’s lakes would be made of liquid methane or ethane. In several billion years time, our Sun will become a red giant, swelling to fifty times its current size and then the temperature on Titan’s surface will rise. This should be warm enough to melt the frozen surface misture of water and ammonia. So as the Earth become too hot to (C) live/live in, Titan may start a whole new lease of life.
정답: what- that- live in
['좋아요'를 은근바라는 논스탑 색시케빈 소개]
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전 두산동아 패싱코드 파이널 모의고사 저자
현, 대치동 및 서울지역 다수학원에서 고3 및 N수생 전문강의
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